Monday, December 30, 2019

Descartes Wax Argument Essay - 1442 Words

The purpose of the wax argument is designed to provide a clear and distinct knowledge of â€Å"I†, which is the mind, while corporeal things, â€Å"whose images are framed by thought, and which the senses themselves imagine are much more distinctly known than this mysterious ‘I’ which does not fall within the imagination† (66). Through the wax argument, Descartes’ demonstrates that corporeal things are perceived neither through our senses nor imagination, but through our intellect alone. In this argument, you will see that there is cause to doubt Descartes’ analysis of the wax and his method of philosophical reasoning. Descartes makes a careful examination of what is involved in the recognition of a specific physical object, like a piece of†¦show more content†¦Despite this problem, we believe it is the same piece of wax we see, touch, or imagine. But it is not our feelings or imagination that gives us the idea. If we had evaluated these abilities, and if the wax is distorted, we would not be able to agree that it is the same wax. This study enables us to recognize that the imagination, just like sensation, does not convey the true nature of wax; rather, this difficulty indicates that only understanding, exercising its powers of conception and judgment, performs the unifying function that constitutes the self-identity of the piece of wax: â€Å"our perception of the wax is neither a seeing, nor a touching, nor an imagining†¦ but the mind alone† (68). Although the changing characteristics of the body has been transported through our senses and imagination, the identity of the matter is provided by the understanding of the wax itself. This analysis confirms Descartes’ view that â€Å"what we thought we had seen with our eyes, we actually grasped solely with the faculty of judgment, which is in our mind† (68). Therefore, any sense of the body is actually an introspection of our mind, not an external inspection. In his defense, Descartes argues that our knowledge of the wax depends only on the ideas we conceive in our mind. This creates the difficulty of reaching an agreement on the identity of the wax, and that understanding the body can vary for each individual perception. As it is evident that the substantiality ofShow MoreRelatedDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1079 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues for the ideas and philosophical beliefs behind skepticism. In his writings, he describes the fallibility and importance of the body of man and through extension the senses with which we observe the world. This paper will first show that within Descartes’ writings the body is an extension of the mind. Secondly, this paper will prove that the senses are a false form of understanding which leads to the deception of the mind. FinallyRead MoreAnalysis Of Rene Descartes s Meditations On First Philosophy 1399 Wo rds   |  6 PagesEssay 1 Rene Descartes was born in in La Haye, France, in 1596 and he studied at La Fleche Jesuit College and University of Poitiers. Descartes also lived in Germany, Holland and Sweden. He then worked in the army as a private councillor and then as a court philosopher. Descartes book ‘Meditations on First Philosophy’ was first published in 1641. The edition used to write this essay was edited by John Cottingham and was published by the Cambridge University Press in 1996. Descartes was the firstRead MoreDescartes Mind and Body1480 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes’ Mind Body Dualism Rene Descartes’ main purpose is to attempt to prove that the mind that is the soul or the thinking thing is distinct and is separate from the body. This thinking thing was the core of himself, which doubts, believes, reasons, feels and thinks. 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The role of senses is shown through his demonstration of the wax example and the ever changing properties the wax entailed. â€Å"The perception I have of it is a case not of vision or touch or imagination†¦but purely of mental scrutiny.† (Descartes 31) To Descartes, the senses were deceivingRead MoreMind and Body866 Words   |  3 Pageswhich is by Rene Descartes and the other by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Rationalists, in philosophical terms, are the ones who obtain their knowledge through reasoning rather than the human senses. Descartes and Leibniz both have similar perspectives, but Leibniz takes a slightly different approach to improve Descartes’ argument. 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(pp 1-6) He finds this in the existence of the self as a thinking thing: even if we assume that all external knowledge is inconsistent and untrustworthy, we cannot deny that we interactRead MoreMeditations On First Philosophy By Rene Descartes1062 Words   |  5 PagesIn Meditations on First Philosophy, Renà © Descartes philosophies made a substantial advancement in enabling us to understand the world around us by querying many of the Aristotelian doctrines that are still being discussed in philosophy today. He attempts to answer the question; can you fully trust your senses? Descartes uses methodological doubt, which is a process of being skeptical about truths of someone’s belief to revoke from his senses. In Meditation One: Concerning Those Th ings That Can BeRead MoreThe Nature Of The Human Mind878 Words   |  4 PagesRene Descartes second meditation is titled, Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That it is Better Known than the Body. In his second meditation, Descartes argues that the human mind exists merely by itself without any physical representation in the world. This argument lead to many of his later meditations and allowed him to really build the framework for Western Philosophy. The cogent argument is arguably the most crucial argument, which lead us to our philosophy of the mind. In some respect

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Outline Of Figueroa s Framework - 1621 Words

Introduce Figueroa’s framework Figueroa’s framework is identified to be a tool used to help investigate the issues surrounding equity, equality in sport and in general physical activity. Figueroa’s framework is constructed over 5 different areas which are all used to investigate ways in which inequities challenge the area of sport and physical activity. All of the levels connect and contribute to shaping the overall joint effect. They show the different functions that reinforce, create, remove and eliminate barriers within a sport. Current status of basketball through PLC The current status of basketball participations throughout PLC in 2015 was that there was almost twice as much junior college playing basketball rather than the†¦show more content†¦I started playing basketball to be with friends and throughout the season started to enjoy and want to do the sport more often. FF that has significant impact on basketball participation at PLC. -All the levels of Figueroa’s framework contribute to basketball participation at Pacific but the main one would have to be the institutional level due to talking about the significance of the schools impact through basketball and one of the major things in the institutional level is school, facilities, rules, religion and community. This is because basketball at Pacific is because of its at a school, location- how its located on the school grounds, facilities- how we’ve got all the facilities at school to do it and these all impact basketball being played at Pacific. Basketball in Australia â€Å"From the three year old playing ‘tot ball’ in Darwin to the 73-year-old playing masters basketball in Victoria, basketball is a game that is accessible to people of all abilities† â€Å"Basketball is one of the top participation sports in the country.† Basketball can be played in all different levels starting from grass roots- the amateur and beginners, to the school comps, club

Friday, December 13, 2019

Federal Civil Procedure Free Essays

I. Personal Jurisdiction – in what state can the P sue the D? a. Two step-analysis i. We will write a custom essay sample on Federal Civil Procedure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Satisfy a statute AND ii. Satisfy the constitution (due process) b. In Personam Jurisdiction – jurisdiction over person, not property, b/c of some contact b/t D and forum state i. Statutory Analysis 1. Every state has statutes allowing jurisdiction based on domicile, presence instate when served w/ process, and consent (implied or actual). 2. Long-arm statute ( allows jurisdiction over non-residents ii. Constitutional Analysis (International Shoe) 1. Test ( Does D have â€Å"such minimum contacts w/ the forum so that exercise of jurisdiction does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice† 2. Factors a. Contact – some tie b/t D and forum i. Purposeful Availment – D’s voluntary act 1. i. e. D ships goods into forum state or D uses roads or causes effects in forum state ii. Foreseeability – D would get sued in this forum b. Fairness i. Relatedness – b/t contact and the claim 1. not always necessary to have relatedness if have substantial ties w/ the forum a. i. e. D domiciled there, business there, served w/ process there can be sued in that state under general jurisdiction ii. Convenience – forum ok unless puts D at a severe disadvantage in the litigation iii. State’s interest – provide forum for its citizens TIP: My parents frequently forgot to read childrens’ stories M – minimum contacts P – purposeful availment F – foreseeability F – fairness R – relatedness C – convenience S – state’s interest II. Subject Matter Jurisdiction – in what court? Federal courts only hear two types of cases: diversity of citizenship and federal question a. Diversity of Citizenship Cases i. Citizens of different states 1. Complete diversity rule ( no diversity if ANY P is a citizen of the same state as any D, at the time the case is filed 2. Citizenship a. Human – can only have one place of citizenship i. Domicile – 1. presence instate AND 2. subjective intent to make permanent home b. Corporation – can have more than one place of citizenship i. State where incorporated AND ii. One state principal place of business 1. Only one PPB a. Headquarters OR i. Most use this to designate unless all activity is in one state b. Most production or service activity c. Un-incorporated associations i. Use citizenship of ALL ITS MEMBERS d. Decedents, minors, incompetents i. Look to their citizenship NOT the representative’s citizenship ii. Amount in controversy – good faith allegation the claim in the complaint exceeds $75,000. 00, exclusive of interest and costs 1. Aggregation – adding together two or more claims to meet amount in controversy requirement a. Need one P and one D b. Joint tortfeasors – use total value of claim, irrelevant of the # of parties 2. Equitable Relief – if either test met, then it’s OK a. P’s viewpoint: does injunction cover loss of value by more than $75k? OR b. D’s viewpoint: would it cost D more than $75k to comply w/ the injunction b. Federal Question – claim â€Å"arises under† federal law c. Supplemental Jurisdiction – no federal jurisdiction b/c no diversity or FQ, BUT may still be able to get into federal court i. Test 1. common nucleus of operative fact – arise out of same transaction or occurrence as underlying claim ii. Limitation 1. can not use to overcome lack of diversity in a diversity of citizenship case BUT 2. Can use to overcome lack of diversity in a FQ case 3. Can use to overcome amount in controversy in diversity cases d. Removal – allows D’s to have case filed in state court â€Å"removed† to federal court i. What cases? – if case could be heard in federal court ii. Where? – ONLY to the federal district court embracing the state court iii. When? – no later than 30 days after service of the first removable document e. Erie Doctrine III. Venue IV. Service of Process V. Pleadings VI. Joinder of Parties VII. Discovery VIII. Pretrial Adjudication IX. Conferences and Meetings X. Trial, Judgment and Post-trial Motions XI. Appeal XII. Claim and Issue Preclusion How to cite Federal Civil Procedure, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories Essay Example For Students

Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories Essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories about the fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes have been popular since they first appeared in 1886. Explore the reasons behind this enduring popularity. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle produced a detective in Sherlock Holmes who was perfect in almost every way. His stories have become known across the globe since they first appeared in 1887 with A Study in Scarlet which was published in Beetons Christmas Annual. \i \i0 Despite the changing times Sherlock Holmes has survived and is as popular today as it was then. There are many reasons for this enduring popularity; I am going to explore just a few. \par In the nineteenth century there was a crisis in religious faith when Charles Darwin came up with the idea that humans evolved from a lesser species, the apes. This frightened many people who had been very religious throughout their lives. The idea undermined the whole religious background and challenged peoples faith in God. This left a place like London in turmoil, people did not know what to do or who to believe. Conan Doyle refers to it as a Dense swarm of humanity. With London being such an\i \i0 uncontrollable place at the time, many people turned to Sherlock Holmes stories as a person who could restore order to this place which had no order. This contributed at the time and nowadays to his popularity in an enormous way. \par In Victorian times people became very intrigued by the new science of psyco-analysis which was then practised by Sigmund Freud. This was coincidently one of Sherlock Holmes many characteristics. Holmes was a bit like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. On one side there was a very respectable west-end bachelor of high intelligence and a refined taste, he is a perfect gentleman. There is an example of this in, The Speckled Bands when he is speaking to Helen Stoner, he refers to her as madam and then invites her to draw up to the fire and have a hot cup of coffee. However, Holmes only this one side to him then that would to unbelievable and the majority of people wouldnt accept him. He does flirt with the dark side every now and again like he does in The Man With the Twisted Lip. Here, he is found in an opium den by Watson: And there sitting by the fire was none other than Sherlock Holmes. He is disguised as an old opium addict and he is very deceptive as he tricked Watson. Holmes states that he is not an opium addict but reveals to the reader that he has cocaine injections on p. 189, You imagine that I have added opium smoking to my cucaine injections. This shows that this is what he expects Watson to think as he knows him so well. This flaw tells you that Sherlock Holmes is human and that he is not perfect. This lets the reader relate to him.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Drugs Prohibition Essays (1538 words) - Drug Control Law

Drugs Prohibition Under the United States Constitution the federal government is charged with the responsibilities to protect our individual, as well as collective, rights to life and liberty. Often times this charge leads the various branches of the federal government to create, implement, and enforce policy that is designed to protect society from itself. Noble in it's ambition the result although not apparent initially, sometimes does more to hinder the rights of the citizens it is attempting to protect, and/or the cost of doing so becomes a higher price than that of the cost that is being avoided. In this case it is necessary to re-evaluate the situation and explore any alternatives that may offer a more fathomable solution concerning both protection of rights as well as the cost of so doing. Introduction In the late 1980's the United States government made such policy and today the results have done little to resolve the problem and have left the country closer to the danger it sought to prevent. The policy is known as the " War on Drugs". Initially the drug prohibition was, however idealistic, a valiant attempt to rid the country of this terrible"enemy". The objectives were simple; to impose stiff penalties on those who use drugs outlined to be illicit, quell all to trade and commerce of such substances, and even to go as far to prevent countries with in our general border vicinity from producing and exporting these substances. The illicit drug market, pre-drug war, is estimated to be a hundred billion dollar a year business. The federal government, since the beginning the war of drug, spends approximately ten billion dollars a year on drug enforcement agencies and programs, and another estimated one hundred and ninety billion dollars a year on investigating drug related crimes, prosecution of alleged drug activities, and enforcing punishments and/or imprisonment. That adds up to be a staggering cost of two hundred billion dollars ($770.00 per person) to attempt to prevent one hundred billion dollars worth of illicit drug use. (Evans and Berent) Another consequence of this questionable war lies in Opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is defined as the cost of opportunity lost in pursuit of another option. This cost analysis is relevant in the case of the drug prohibition policy in that the resources use to implement the policy are limited, police and prisons. The law enforcement used in this "war of drugs" has their time nearly monopolized by the approximate thirty to forty million people yearly who purchase and use drugs. This inherently leaving various law enforcement agencies with less ability to confront other crimes. Then there is the problem of prisons. The space in the prisons is extremely limited, and the cost of keeping a person in prison is astronomical in caparison to the prevention being provided in reference to drug prohibition. The issue of limited prison space gains significance greatly when you consider an estimated sixty-percent of prison population is serving time on drug conviction. In 1994 some seven hundred and fifty thousand people were arrested in drug related events. Of the seven hundred and fifty thousand people arrested, six hundred thousand of them were charged with minor counts of possession. (Wink) Other indicators that can be easily observed such as the rise in illicit drug use by teens and children reported the Drug Enforcement Agency. In fact only twenty-eight percent of teens used illicit drug compared to a whopping forty percent in 1996. (DEA/CDC) The misallocation of resources is totally exhausting and paralyzing the entire legal system that could be better targeted on a more productive agenda. What does the policy of drug prohibition actually encourage? The statistics show a rise in crimes concerning personal property; drug abusers in hopes of supporting their drug habit committed seventy-five percent of all property crimes such as burglary and robbery. Studies have shown that out patient drug programs or programs that offered drugs for a lower cost drastically reduced the amount of crimes committed. (Duke) As of 1992 an estimated sixty million people have tried and or used marijuana and there has yet to be one recorded death attributed to overdose. While it is estimated that ten thousand people die from overdose of alcohol annually. This would lead one to acknowledge that maybe our opinion drugs may be based in fear and social standard rather than in solid facts. The Goal The optimal goal of any policy is to protect our rights while encouraging all the ideals of the society. The problem occurs in the fact that is fairly impossible

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Studio 54,the Legendary Club essays

Studio 54,the Legendary Club essays Studio 54, one of the most well known clubs, opened its doors to the public on April 26, 1977. Its enormous size and glamour attracted thousands of people, and just being able to get in meant you were very fashionable. A variety of people entered the club and had the opportunity to listen and dance to the greatest beats of the time. The club was originally an old theatre, and many people had been interested in turning the old theatre into a nightclub. However, it wasnt until Steve Rubbel and Ian Schager signed the lease for the building that something really happened. Both Steve and Ian had been working in the night club business so prior experience was a main factor in the success of the club. One of the reasons why studio 54 stood out, was because of its size and decoration. To begin with, it measured 100 meters long by 80 meters wide. Since it was an old theatre, the balcony and the stage was left on purpose to give a theatrical feel. In the balcony there were sitting areas with tables where guests overlooked the huge parquet floor. An enormous strobe light decorated the club and brightly lit columns came down from the ceiling. Around the dance floor there was a diamond shaped bar with mirrors everywhere. In the basement of the club, VIPs had the opportunity to feel distinguished in a room where only a privileged few could enter and have fun among the elite and fashionable people of the time. Undoubtedly Studio 54 was a spectacular club both in appearance and style. For the premier night of Studio 54 the owners hired a party promoter to invite the right people. Five thousand invitations where given out. Workers were working around the clock to prepare the last details for the grand opening. The club opened its doors half an hour late and in a few hours time it was full. It was chaos inside and outside the club to a point where eve ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Treatment of a patient with dog-bite wounds Research Paper

Treatment of a patient with dog-bite wounds - Research Paper Example Upon seeing the patent, the first indication was to treat her with flucloxacillin. However, flucloxacillin. However, I just realized that most dog and cat bites contain Pasteurella multocida which is ten times more likely to cause infections after an animal bite and in many cases this is resistant to flucloxacillin (Morgan & Palmer, 2007). Hence, flucolcaxicillin is to be used with other medication and this was going to cause more complications for the patient.Hence, there was the need to select a more specialized medication. There was the need for a medication that will help the patient to deal with any growing threat of infection that could result from the dog bite. This is because allied complications like tetanus and other possibilities were effectively eliminated. In this case, the patient is a 30-year-old lady. In this situation, the patient is to be viewed as an adult and a female. And hence, her condition and situation were to be considered in-depth. As a matured patient, she was expected to be capable of signing her contracts and also dealing with various complications. However, further details like her work commitments and family commitments were necessary to arrive at the right and most appropriate approach and method of dealing with the situation. With the information available, it was apparent that she qualified for adult medication and other social considerations like going home and going to work among other things were to be considered.